"cosmos silva" / Installation, metal signs, gravure printing, monotype&gumprint / 210cmx130cm, 2022 / Our ecosystem is a huge organism with complex interactions between plants and animals. It is vital for the survival of us all. “cosmos vilva” describes fascinating creatures at the lowest levels of organization: Fungi and lichens. Millions of different species of these indescribably beautiful organisms live in our ecosystem. They will reclaim the planet if we fail and destroy the world. The work raises awareness of the complexity and importance of seemingly banal creatures so that people become aware and avert the impending collapse in favor of a world worth living in.
"mushroom" / monotype / 48cmx38cm, 2022
"mushroom" / monotype / 48cmx38cm, 2022
"orientation tools" / installation: metal signs / 140cmx75cm, 2022 / We live in a VUCA world: our existence is vulnerable, uncertain, complex and ambivalent. Institutions (family, church, school, party, etc.) are becoming less important. Modern man sees himself as an individual who takes responsibility for his own life. Orientation in polycrises has become a complex, challenging, sometimes seemingly impossible undertaking. The choice remains between crisis, failure, struggle or fear, shame, death. And: hope remains.
"what if we fail?" / IInstallation, metal signs, gravure printing, monotype&gumprint / 210cmx130cm, 2022 / Our existence is characterized by polycatastrophes. A lot of animal and plant species are threatened with extinction. Millions of people are fleeing. War rages on many continents. Never before have the global challenges been so complex. If we fail and destroy the world, the Earth's ecosystem will belong to fascinating organisms such as algae, fungi and lichens. They will reclaim the planet. Orientation therefore becomes a complex undertaking. Nevertheless, hope remains.
production process installation "ALL THAT BEAUTY", cyanotype, 2023
production process installation "ALL THAT BEAUTY", cyanotype, 2023
"ALL THAT BEAUTY", installation on biodiversity, 2023 / Nature is in a desolate state. This has an impact on biodiversity, among other things. Flora and fauna, especially birds, are threatened with extinction. According to the criteria of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), so-called red lists are drawn up every year. In 2023, 13 species are newly listed on the red list: The installation “ALL THE BEAUTY” applies to them. With its criticism of our wasteful treatment of nature, the installation addresses an important topic of our time. It testifies to a new view of wonderful creatures with which our survival is deeply connected. It calls for a vision of a new symbiosis between man and nature as a social counter-image to the current way of dealing with finite resources, with nature. Because flora and fauna also have rights.
"ALL THAT BEAUTY", installation on biodiversity, 2023
production process installation "ALL THAT BEAUTY", cyanotype, 2023
production process installation "ALL THAT BEAUTY", cyanotype, 2023
"was die welt im innersten zusammenhält" , "what holds the world together at its core" / installation: antique world map, LED neons / 100cmx130cm, 2023 / The installation “Was die Welt im Innersten zusammenhält” (What holds the world together at its core) deals with the important Goethe quote, which addresses Faust's restless and ultimately unsuccessful quest for real knowledge, for deep insight into the core of the world and of mankind. In my interpretation, four tags are mounted on an old school map of the world: “fear”, “sex”, “power” and “violence”, placed in the four cardinal points. It is these values - as world events around the globe show every day - that make up the true essence of the (contemporary) world, of human beings in their vulnerability and wretchedness, and that hold the world together at its core. The visual statements are illustrated and condensed in the form of neon tags.
"ready for" / cyanotype on laid paper, coat hanger, 30cmx42cm each, 2023 / Species extinction, forest fires, storms, rising sea levels, infertile soils, melting permafrost, warming oceans - dramatic climate change has many faces. The WORK “READY FOR” addresses our dilemma and provokes with headlines about the current polycrises. In an unconventional layout, five cyanotypes denounce the gap between knowledge and action. Mounted on simple coat hangers - a symbol of our endangered everyday life. As a fervent reminder of the fragility of our biodiversity. And as empowerment to take measures to better protect our environment.
"ready for" / cyanotype on laid paper, coat hanger, 30cmx42cm, 2023